What are masculine gay men called

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A revised document was approved by CLGC in October 1985 and by the Board of Social and Ethical Responsibility in Psychology in spring 1987. Comments were solicited from the American Psychological Associations (APA's) Division 44 and from the Association of Lesbian and Gay Psychologists.

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A first draft of the 'CLGC Nomenclature Guidelines for Psychologists' was approved at the September 1985 meeting. The Committee on Lesbian and Gay Concerns (CLGC) has considered issues of heterosexual bias in language since it was founded in 1980. The article suggests preferred terminology and also presents ways of increasing the visibility of lesbians, gay men, and bisexual persons in language. Problems in language occur when terminology is unclear or when terminology has been associated with negative stereotypes. This article presents suggestions for avoiding heterosexual bias in language concerning lesbians, gay men, and bisexual persons. Goals for Reducing Heterosexual Bias in Language

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©1991 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

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